Who We Are

Who We Are

A Christ-centered education

Our Mission

Understanding the vital partnership of the Christian home and the Christian school, Lewisburg Baptist Academy desires to train servants of Christ through

consecration to God’s word and excellence in academic pursuit.


Statement of Purpose and Philosophy

Wisdom and knowledge come from God. Therefore man's education is complete only when God and His word are at the center of all learning. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (Prov. 1:7). In education we are concerned with the total person: his intellectual, spiritual, physical, and social being. We believe the needs of the total person can only be met as approached from a Christian or Biblical philosophy. But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him (I Cor. 6:8).

Lewisburg Baptist Academy will follow the guidelines set forth from the Word of God and the church constitution.

Lewisburg Baptist Academy is committed to the Biblical teaching that the education of children has been assigned to the home, specifically the parents, and to the church (Deut. 6:6-9; Matt. 28:18-30). Lewisburg Baptist Academy exists to aid parents to carry out the education function. All teachers, administrators and support personnel of Lewisburg Baptist Academy shall be members of Lewisburg Baptist Church unless the Administrator and the Pastor have granted a special exception. All members of the school staff shall witness to a life of ethical and righteous practices. Special speakers are exempt from the membership requirement.

The full curriculum of Lewisburg Baptist Academy shall be in agreement with the Statement of Faith of Lewisburg Baptist Church. This provision especially applies to the teaching of the Bible. The Bible must always be presented as the sole infallible source of knowledge and wisdom. Lewisburg Baptist Academy is viewed as a ministry of Lewisburg Baptist Church and takes its place among the many ministries offered by the church. Lewisburg Baptist Academy operates under the constitution and by-laws of the Lewisburg Baptist Church.

The operation and maintenance of Lewisburg Baptist Academy shall be financially supported by tuition, fees, love gifts, donations, and approved fund-raising activities. Lewisburg Baptist Academy has its 501(c)(3) determination document. The governance and leadership documents meet compliance standards. Fiscal oversight of major policy is exercised by the school governance. The lines of authority are defined by the organizational structure. The deacon board of LBC will be acting board for LBA.

Statement of Faith

The statement below was taken from the AACS website and

can be read directly on their site by clicking the link below:


We believe that the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, was verbally inspired of God and is inerrant and is our only rule in matters of faith and practice. We believe in creation, not evolution; that man was created by the direct act of God and in the image of God. We believe that Adam and Eve, in yielding to the temptation of Satan, became fallen creatures. We believe that all men are born in sin. We believe in the Incarnation, the Virgin Birth, and the Deity of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We believe in the vicarious and substitutional Atonement for the sins of mankind by the shedding of His blood on the cross. We believe in the resurrection of His body from the tomb, His ascension to Heaven, and that He is now our Advocate. We believe that He is personally coming again. We believe in His power to save men from sin. We believe in the necessity of the New Birth, and that this New Birth is through the regeneration of the Holy Spirit. We believe that salvation is by grace through faith, plus nothing minus nothing, in the atoning blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We believe that this statement of faith is basic for Christian fellowship and that all born-again men and women who sincerely accept it and are separated from the world of apostasy and sin can and should live together in peace, and that it is their Christian duty to promote harmony among the Believers.

We further believe in the Biblical doctrine of ecclesiastical separation, and therefore believe that churches and Christian schools should not be associated with, members of, or in accord with organizations or movements such as the World Council of Churches, the National Council of Churches, the modern charismatic movement, or the ecumenical movement.

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