Senior High


Striving for Godly excellence

Check out what your child will learn!


Rigorous courses that encourage critical-thinking, analysis, and

real world application so that students will be well-prepared for life.

9th Grade Curriculum Overview

English: Grammar and Composition

Two vital abilities, the ability to express one’s ideas creatively as well as correctly and the ability to comprehend and interpret the written word skillfully, are built upon the elements studied in English 9. Grammar and Composition III provides foundational practice of proper grammar and develops the basic composition skills utilized in outlining, researching, and composing a variety of rhetorical expositions and creative writing. 

English: Spelling, Vocabulary, & Poetry

The lists of challenging words in Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry III emphasize the application of several spelling rules, the addition of specific suffixes, and the necessity of learning frequently misspelled words. To expand students’ vocabulary, words and definitions are taken from Themes in Literature and other ninth-grade subjects. The goals of poetry recitation and memorization are an enjoyment and appreciation of poetic beauty and excellence.

English: Literature

Themes in Literature reflects these twelve themes: truth and wisdom, courage, power of words, humility, beauty, love, justice, temperance, joy and peace, perseverance, faith and hope, and time and eternity. As the student becomes familiar with classics such as The Wind in the Willows, The Three Musketeers, Don Quixote, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, he learns to appreciate a well-written presentation of a theme. This appreciation not only aids in increased enjoyment of literature but also provides the foundation needed to critically analyze it. This then can serve as a stimulus for corresponding creative essays. 

Mathematics: Algebra I 

Algebra 1 provides a foundation that students need to enjoy success in future mathematics courses and includes topics such as polynomial arithmetic, factoring, equations, inequalities, graphing, statistics, rational expressions, radicals, functions, and quadratic equations. Algebra supplies the language and patterns of reasoning used in the sciences and other branches of knowledge. Practice and review problems in each lesson give sufficient opportunity for students to develop and maintain their skills while learning to work quickly and accurately. Word problems, problem-solving strategies, and critical thinking throughout the text ensure that students can apply their mathematical skills to everyday situations and encourage students to connect varying types of mathematical knowledge. Build Up sections allow for further expansion of the concepts covered. 

Science: Matter and Energy

This course builds a foundation for future studies in physics, chemistry, and other fields. The  Christian perspective of this text naturally rejects the unproven hypothe sis of evolution, recognizing special c reation as the only reasonable explanation for the universe’s origin. This position is presented throughout the text and highlighted in a chapter on origins, which provides evidence against evolution and for the reality of the Genesis Creation account. Science: Matter and Energy also recognizes God’s command for man to have dominion over creation. Thus the purpose of science becomes the application of scientific knowledge for mankind’s benefit. From physics to chemistry, the goal is to learn how man might extend his “dominion” and make better use of creation. With man’s dominion over the earth comes a responsibility to tend, manage, and conserve resources. However, the ultimate purpose of creation must not be forgotten—the earth was made for man to inhabit, and its resources were made for man to use.  

History: World Geography (one semester)

World Geography presents a physical-cultural study of the earth and mankind from a conservative, Christian perspective. Basic to this perspective is the conviction that God is the Creator of the earth and of man. By applying to the study of geography their knowledge of the Creation, the Flood, the beginning of nations at Babel, and God’s dealing with mankind throughout the ages, students can better understand the physical features of the earth as well as the cultures of its people. While most geography texts approach world geography from the globalist perspective, World Geography in Christian Perspective recognizes and discusses the national identities of individual countries. Building on what students have previously learned, this text presents a deeper, more thorough study of the religions, languages, customs, historic backgrounds, resources, and industries to expand the students’ knowledge of each continent, region, and country presented.

Health (one semester)

Health in Christian Perspective will enable students to gain a deeper knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. They will be encouraged to reach out to others and to live a happy, healthy life as they maintain a consistent walk with the Lord. They will learn how to maintain their physical health through good nutrition and fitness with an emphasis on cardio-respiratory and musculoskeletal health. A study of the nervous system in light of biblical principles encourages students to maintain good mental and emotional health. Practical aspects of safety and first aid are included in the middle of the course. Students will also learn how the immune system works to prevent disease, how to avoid drug abuse, and how to pursue a right relationship with God and others.

Physical Education: 

At LBA, we recognize the vital role physical activity plays in the overall development and well-being of our students. This Physical Education is designed to provide students with opportunities to engage in various physical activities and develop motor skills. 

10th Curriculum Overview

Physical Education: 

At LBA, we recognize the vital role physical activity plays in the overall development and well-being of our students. This Physical Education is designed to provide students with opportunities to engage in various physical activities and develop motor skills. 

Weekly Enrichment Classes: 

Students will immerse themselves in a variety of enriching activities designed to foster creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. Each week, participants will engage in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) classes, where they will explore hands-on projects and experiments that encourage innovation and problem-solving skills.

In addition to STEM, students will take part in chorus, where they will develop their vocal skills, learn about music theory, and enjoy the camaraderie of singing together. This component of the course will culminate in annual winter and spring concerts, providing students with the opportunity to showcase their talents and share their love of music.

Furthermore, students will have the chance to participate in annual state fine arts competitions, where they can demonstrate their skills in STEM, music, and art, and gain valuable experience in a competitive environment. This course aims to inspire a lifelong appreciation for the arts and sciences while fostering personal growth and teamwork among peers.

11th Grade Curriculum Overview

ENGLISH: Grammar & Composition

The abilities to express ideas creatively and to skillfully comprehend the written word are built upon the study elements which are included in English 11. The Handbook of Grammar and Composition and Workbook V build upon the grammar foundation established in previous years and introduce new concepts to further enhance the students’ knowledge of basic grammar. In addition, Handbook of Grammar and Composition emphasizes writing through assignments in argumentative essay, narrative essay, exposition of a process, literary character analysis, critical book reviews, and a research paper. Several smaller writing assignments are also included throughout the text. 

ENGLISH: Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry Mastering the vocabulary and spelling words in Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry V will greatly help students in their writing, speaking, and reading comprehension. Students will memorize nine poems throughout the year. The benefits of reciting and memorizing poetry are learning an appreciation of poetic excellence, enriching, their personal lives, and laying a foundation for future literature studies. Students will also further develop their ability to analyze words by studying prefixes, roots, and suffixes.

ENGLISH: Literature American

Literature presents a variety of selections that reflect the faith, doubts, longings, accomplishments, and emotions of the American people. Students will further develop their skills in analyzing literature as they study several genres and time periods of American literature. In addition, students will learn about significant American authors and their influential works while reading classics such as Moby Dick, Ben Hur, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, The Innocents Abroad, and The Song of Hiawatha. Since art appreciation is an important part of the literature study in English 11, American Literature includes paintings that reflect the themes and time periods of each unit. 

Physical Education: 

At LBA, we recognize the vital role physical activity plays in the overall development and well-being of our students. This Physical Education is designed to provide students with opportunities to engage in various physical activities and develop motor skills. 

Weekly Enrichment Classes: 

Students will immerse themselves in a variety of enriching activities designed to foster creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. Each week, participants will engage in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) classes, where they will explore hands-on projects and experiments that encourage innovation and problem-solving skills.

In addition to STEM, students will take part in chorus, where they will develop their vocal skills, learn about music theory, and enjoy the camaraderie of singing together. This component of the course will culminate in annual winter and spring concerts, providing students with the opportunity to showcase their talents and share their love of music.

Furthermore, students will have the chance to participate in annual state fine arts competitions, where they can demonstrate their skills in STEM, music, and art, and gain valuable experience in a competitive environment. This course aims to inspire a lifelong appreciation for the arts and sciences while fostering personal growth and teamwork among peers.

12th Grade Curriculum Overview

ENGLISH: Grammar & Composition 

English 12 is designed to incorporate a program of English literature, composition, grammar, vocabulary, and outside reading into a senior-level English class. The study of grammar is not stressed in the senior year as much as in earlier years because of the extensive background that students should have gained from previous study; however, grammar is still taught briefly each day. Grammar instruction includes correcting homework exercises from Workbook VI for Handbook of Grammar and Composition and briefly presenting new material from Handbook of Grammar and Composition.

ENGLISH: Vocabulary, Poetry  

Knowing and using a selection of choice vocabulary words gives high school students an advantage, whether it is in a job interview, on a college entrance exam, or simply in meeting today’s expectations for expression and communication. Mastering the vocabulary words in Vocabulary, Poetry VI will help students in their writing, speaking, and reading comprehension. Many of the words are taken from English Literature. Students will study the antonyms and synonyms included with the definitions and learn prefixes, root words, and suffixes, expanding their vocabulary even further. Students will also memorize ten poems throughout the year. The students will benefit from reciting and memorizing poetry.

ENGLISH: Literature 

English Literature presents a chronological study of English literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to the Modern Age (twentieth century). Classics such as Beowulf, The Importance of Being Earnest, Pride and Prejudice, Paradise Lost, Robinson Crusoe, David Copperfield, and The Canterbury Tales were chosen not only for their literary value but also for their character development. Students will learn about a variety of literary genres and will further analyze literature through in-depth studies of a tragedy, an allegory, and a novel. In order to help students visualize the works and time periods they are studying, English Literature contains a variety of illustrations and photographs of English people, places, and art. 

Mathematics: Pre-Calculus

The purpose of Precalculus is to teach the student how to select and apply various techniques to solve mathematical problems in a skillful, systematic, and logical manner. Students will learn the underlying principles of trigonometry and interrelationships of lines and functions with graphical and analytical problem-solving techniques from a study in analytical geometry. The study culminates with an introduction to selected calculus topics.

History: American Government (1 semester)

American Government in Christian Perspective seeks to give students a clear understanding of the historical and philosophical elements that make the United States a unique nation. Only when students fully understand these foundational elements will they be able to love and appreciate our republic. American Government in Christian Perspective traces the roots of our political institutions and examines the Constitution itself. Through a clear explanation of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government, students learn how a republic actually functions. Students will also study state and local government and be better able to understand their local systems, which will in turn develop a better understanding of and a greater appreciation for American philosophy and ideology.

History: Economics (1 semester)

The purpose of Economics: Work and Prosperity is to teach basic economic principles and to give students a clear understanding of free-enterprise capitalism, individual moral responsibility, and the biblical work ethic from a conservative Christian perspective. This course emphasizes God’s Word as the one standard for man’s thoughts and actions and encourages man’s depend e nce upon God rather than upon government. It stresses acceptance of moral responsibility and accountability to God and man. Finally, this course strengthens the link between economic freedom and the political and individual freedoms Americans enjoy. 

SCIENCE: Physics 

The Foundational Science describes the laws that govern the interactions between matter and energy. Clear and thorough explanations penetrate the most perplexing questions. Whenever possible, the principles of physics are illustrated by everyday experience and practical devices. Numerous illustrative problems are solved in detail. This course will play an important role in showing students the harmony between scientific knowledge and Christian belief. The premise of the book is that we live in a God-created world governed by laws discoverable by reverent scientific inquiry. Issues of vital importance to Christians are handled in depth. 

Physics: The Foundational Science adopts the traditional procedure of starting with solids, liquids, and gases—tangible things familiar to students. By putting the study of matter first, this course offers a smooth transition between chemistry and physics. An extended treatment of mechanics follows so that the student will be well prepared for further study in physics and engineering. While taking a traditional approach, this text more than adequately covers the most recent developments in physics for a broad range of topics: from particle physics to electronics and from lasers to relativity. The emphasis throughout is upon solid advances in knowledge rather than upon theoretical speculation.

Physical Education: 

At LBA, we recognize the vital role physical activity plays in the overall development and well-being of our students. This Physical Education is designed to provide students with opportunities to engage in various physical activities and develop motor skills. 

Weekly Enrichment Classes: 

Students will immerse themselves in a variety of enriching activities designed to foster creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration. Each week, participants will engage in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) classes, where they will explore hands-on projects and experiments that encourage innovation and problem-solving skills.

In addition to STEM, students will take part in chorus, where they will develop their vocal skills, learn about music theory, and enjoy the camaraderie of singing together. This component of the course will culminate in annual winter and spring concerts, providing students with the opportunity to showcase their talents and share their love of music.

Furthermore, students will have the chance to participate in annual state fine arts competitions, where they can demonstrate their skills in STEM, music, and art, and gain valuable experience in a competitive environment. This course aims to inspire a lifelong appreciation for the arts and sciences while fostering personal growth and teamwork among peers.

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